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Panel Discussion with Prof. Mari Miura, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Laura Seelkopf
19. Dezember 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:30

Women in Politics and Academia
Perspectives from Germany and Japan
Prof. Mari MIURA, Ph.D., Sophia University, Tokyo
Prof. Dr. Laura SEELKOPF, LMU Munich
Our panelists will explore the difficulties women face when pursuing political and academic careers in Germany and Japan. Both countries show improvements in the last decades but women still lag behind in numbers both on the political stage as well as in higher education and research. Furthermore, women are still vastly underrepresented in leadership positions in both Germany and Japan. While Germany can boast about having had a female chancellor for four consecutive terms, Japan has seen all 64 of its prime ministers being men.
Why is a higher female representation or parity in governments and universities desirable? How do gender stereotypes and patriarchal structures in society still limit women’s career ambitions What are the strategies to alleviate barriers and achieve higher female representation? These are some of the questions Prof. MIURA, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. SEELKOPF are addressing by drawing on their professional expertise and personal experiences.
Prof. Mari MIURA, Ph.D., is Professor of Political Prof. Dr. Laura SEELKOPF is Professor of
Sciene, at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia Political Science, at the Geschwister-Scholl
University. Institute, LMU Munich.
Location: Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, Amalienstraße 83a, 80799 München
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