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Vortrag von Jane Khanizadeh, M.A.: „Sports and International Relations: The Soft Power of Major International Sporting Events“

24. April 2024 @ 12:30 - 14:00

Major international sporting events serve as potent instruments of soft power, profoundly impacting international relations. Japan, renowned for its rich sports tradition and commitment to soft power, emerges as a compelling focal point in this analysis. Through the lens of events like the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, and notably, the 2019 Rugby World Cup (RWC), Japan’s strategic utilization of these platforms becomes apparent. These events provide unparalleled opportunities for Japan to showcase its cultural heritage, technological prowess, and organizational expertise on the global stage, amplifying its soft power influence. Alongside the benefits, these events also invite criticism. Concerns often arise regarding the financial burden on host countries, displacement of local communities, and environmental impacts of large-scale infrastructure projects. Due to the reach of such sporting events, the negative outcome also is broadcasted to and discussed by a large audience on the worlds stage.

The event will take place in hybrid form

Location: LMU Japan-Center, Oettingenstraße 67, Room L155

Participation in the lecture on the Zoom meeting (no registration required):
Meeting-ID: 696 6049 7675, Kenncode: 117701


24. April 2024
12:30 - 14:00


LMU Japan-Center
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