Vortrag von Annika Clasen, M.A.: „Current trends of pro-gender norms in Japan’s foreign policy“

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw7070/map?room=707801155_ Oettingenstr. 67

Feminist perspectives have long been integral to the study of international relations and the practical shaping of foreign and security policy among nations. While traditional norms and values have historically guided governments through global challenges, recent years have seen a more deliberate focus on the inclusion of women and the promotion of specific moral and...

Vortrag von Dr. Alexandra Sakaki: „Japan’s Zeitenwende in Security Policy“

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw7070/map?room=707801155_ Oettingenstr. 67

The Russian invasion of Ukraine elicited what is widely seen as a ‘Zeitenwende’ in security policy not only in Germany, but also in Japan - despite the country’s geographical distance from the war. Over the next few years, Tokyo plans to massively increase its defense spending and acquire new military capabilities such as medium-range missiles....

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt: „Reform Initiatives in Health-Care Migration to Japan: A Discussion of Their Political Dimensions“

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw7070/map?room=707801155_ Oettingenstr. 67

For several decades now, the health care sector in Japan has been experiencing a severe labor shortage. The gap between a growing demand for health care services and a shrinking pool of domestic workers continues to widen. The introduction of a migration avenue for international health workers to Japan in the mid-2000s is generally understood...

Vortrag von Dr. Christoph Schimkowsky: „Managing passenger conduct on Tokyo’s urban railway network: transport provider ‚vigilance‘ or customer service?“


Public transport providers often attempt to prevent passenger behaviours they consider dangerous, deviant, or otherwise undesirable through the use of media technologies. For example, railway companies worldwide employ posters and notices to convey desirables codes of passenger behaviour, thus orienting and directing mobility practices. This talk introduces the case of ‘manner poster’ campaigns by Tokyo...

Einladung zu den Probevorträgen für die Besetzung der W3-Professur für Japanologie

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw0000/map?room=003001008_ Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, München, Bayern, Deutschland

Am Freitag, den 14. Juni 2024 von 10:30 bis 16:30 Uhr stellen sich die Bewerber:innen um die W3-Professur Japanologie in wissenschaftlichen Probevorträgen den Studierenden und dem Berufungsausschuss vor. In den Vorträgen geht es um verschiedene Themen der historischen Japanforschung. Wann? Freitag, 14. Juni 2024; 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr Wo? Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Hauptgebäude, Raum F 107 Um was...

Vortrag von Prof. (i.R.) Dr. Ilse Lenz: „Die neue Frauenbewegung in Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich“


Wie haben die neuen Frauenbewegungen in Japan und in Deutschland das Denken über Geschlecht und die Gesellschaft verändert? Oft wird Feminismus weiterhin eurozentrisch mit dem „Westen“ gleichgesetzt und Ostasien weithin ausgeblendet. Gerade der Vergleich mit Japan ermöglicht es jedoch, verschiedene feministische Wege in den kapitalistischen Zentren wahrzunehmen. In Japan wie Deutschland forderten die Frauenbewegungen radikale...

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Helene Tenzer: „From Professional Aspirations to Identity Confirmation and Transformation: The Case of Japanese Career Women Working for Foreign Subsidiaries in Japan“

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw7070/map?room=707801155_ Oettingenstr. 67

This study investigates what attracts career-oriented women to foreign subsidiaries and how they experience this work context. Based on 125 interviews with career-oriented women in Japan, we find that their frequent choice of foreign employers is not only motivated by professional aspirations but also by identity-related aspirations. Japanese women who embraced an internationalist orientation experience...

Vortrag von Alberto Zizza, MA: „Haga Yaichi and the kokuminseiron: a study on how Japan was imagined in the Meiji period“


Haga Yaichi (1867-1927) was a scholar of literature and kokugaku , who significantly contributed to creating the national literary canon in the Meiji period. In 1907, at a time of national glorification that followed the triumph over Russia, but also one of social unrest epitomised by the 1905 Hibiya riots, he published Kokuminsei jūron [Ten essays on national character],...

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Raymond Yamamoto: „Japan’s Foreign Assistance: From Economic Cooperation to Military Capacity Building“

After the Second World War, Japan adopted Article 9 in its constitution, which renounced using force in its foreign policy. The use of the military was strictly limited to Japan’s self-defence. Consequently, the country’s foreign assistance became the most important foreign policy tool for restoring relations with neighbouring countries in Asia, on which Japan had...

Filmvorführung 『不思議なクニの憲法』& Diskussionsrunde mit der Regisseurin Hisako Matsui


『不思議なクニの憲法』  5. Juli 2024 (Freitag), ab 14.30 Uhr bis ca. 18.00 Uhr Oettingenstraße 67, Raum U151   Diese Dokumentation aus dem Jahr 2016 ist ein Zeitzeugnis einer hitzigen öffentlichen wie politischen Debatte um eine Verfassungsreform, in deren Zuge eine Revision von Artikel 9 (Pazifismusklausel) von der Administration des Langzeit-Premierministers Shinzō Abe ins Spiel gebracht wurde....

Vortrag von Carolin Münch, M.A.: „Die Bedeutung des Hirsches im japanischen Altertum – Mythologie, Religion, Alltagsrealität“


Denkt man an Tiere in der japanischen Mythologie, kommen einem zunächst vor allem Füchse und Tanuki in den Sinn. Denkt man wiederum an Hirsche, erscheinen vor dem geistigen Auge vor allem Bilder von mehr oder weniger zahmen Hirschen im Nara-Park rund um den Kasuga Taisha. Dass die beliebten Nara-Hirsche noch immer verehrt werden, liegt vor...

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Giulio Pugliese: „Leadership and Japan’s China Policy: From Diplomacy to Grand Strategy“

https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw7070/map?room=707801155_ Oettingenstr. 67

The rise of China has fueled the hopes and kindled the insecurities of many of its neighbors. This project engages with the wider implications of such a rise by examining Japan’s China policy, because Japan’s approach to China is symptomatic of region-wide trends, if not global ones. Understanding it offers a unique window into the...