Vortrag: „Gender, aging, and family in Kore-eda Hirokazu’s Kiki Kirin Films“ (Barbara E. Thornbury)


A leading figure in world cinema, director Kore-eda Hirokazu (b. 1962) is particularly well known for his fine-grained portrayals of families. Actress Kiki Kirin (1943-2018) played significant roles in six of his family-focused films—beginning with Still Walking (Aruite mo aruite mo, 2008) and ending ten years later with Shoplifters (Manbiki kazoku, 2018). Tapping into widespread anxieties in Japan that...

Vortrag am 04. Mai 2022, 18 Uhr CET: „Raum, Norm, Individuum – Dystopische Raumkonzepte bei Murata Sayaka“ (Ronald Saladin)

In Ihrer Kurzgeschichte Satsujin Shussan  (2014) beleuchtet Murata Sayaka wie Gesellschaft und Staat mit Themen wie Liebe und Sexualität in Verbindung stehen. Sie wählt diese Themen jedoch lediglich als Rahmen, um das Spannungsgefüge zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft anhand von Sexualität und Fortpflanzung zu thematisieren und zu fokussieren. In diesem Vortrag werde ich die Kurzgeschichte Satsujin Shussan  mit...

Vortrag am 12. Mai 2022, 13 Uhr CET: „Just energy transition on the ground: what can we now learn from the former coal-producing region in Japan?“ (Akiko Hiratsuka-Sasaki)


As the world urges energy transition towards decarbonisation, it is expected that the cities and regions dependent on fossil-fuel related industries will be greatly affected by the transition. In particular, coal phase-out gives tremendous impacts on the coal industries, workers, and local communities in the coal-producing regions. How can those regions and communities overcome the...

Vortrag am 02. Juni 2022, 12.30 Uhr CET: „Harvesting State Support – Institutional Change and Local Agency in Japanese Agriculture“ (Hanno Jentzsch)


Agriculture has been among the toughest political battlegrounds in postwar Japan and represents an ideal case study in institutional stability and change. Inefficient land use and a rapidly aging workforce have long been undermining the economic viability of the agricultural sector. Yet vested interests in the small-scale, part-time agricultural production structure have obstructed major reforms....

Roundtable, 7 July 2022, 11.45amCEST/6.45pmJST, „Politics and Culture in Contemporary Okinawa“


Abbildung: Activist attaching a peace message to the fence of Camp Schwab   On May 15, 1972, two decades after the main islands of Japan regained full sovereignty, the Ryūkyūs were released from US administration, and Okinawa prefecture was re-established in the Japanese state. Fifty years after the so-called “reversion” (fukki) took place, grave imbalances between Okinawa and other prefectures continue to persist: Okinawa is...

Vortrag: „Multilevel Tensions and Cleavages in Japanese Subnational Elections“ (Ken V.L. Hijino)

The ideological conflicts of Japan’s subnational politics tend to be interpreted as either being largely muted or contained within the traditional national cleavage dimension of conservative vs progressive camps. Following two decades of substantial decentralization and growing local autonomy, however, a diversity of new ideological response to local issues have appeared.  These include neo-liberal parties...

Vortrag: „The Demand for Legalism: Changing Governance and Social Policy in Japan“ (Celeste Arrington)


Japanese approaches to governance historically favored informal, bureaucratic, and legally non-binding “soft law” measures. Yet Japan has enacted more legalistic social policies in the past two decades, and the role of law and courts in policy processes has grown. What accounts for this shift in governance toward more formalized rules and enforcement mechanisms? Most explanations...

Vortrag: „Aspirations and Capabilities of Further Mobility among Middle-Class European Migrants to Japan“ (Miloš Debnár)


The question of how migrants decide whether to stay in the country for a longer period or if and when they leave represents one of the important yet still relatively understudied issues particularly in the case of Japan. With the increase of Japan’s migrant population – and despite the official policy of not promoting permanent...

Vortrag: Einblicke in das Projekt „Digitales Tsingtauarchiv“: Deutsche Soldaten im Kriegsgefangenenlager Narashino (Japan), 1915-1920 (Dr. Takuma Melber)

Über einhundert Jahre nach Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs scheint dieser globale Konflikt hinlänglich erforscht zu sein. Die letzten Veteranen dieses von 1914 bis 1918 tobenden, industrialisierten Massenkrieges sind seit geraumer Zeit verstorben.  Das Digitale Tsingtauarchiv, ein am Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) der Universität Heidelberg angesiedeltes Projekt, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, private...

Vortrag: Max Webers „Politik als Beruf“ (1919) im Spiegel deutscher und japanischer Politiker:innen (Prof. Dr. Masahiro Noguchi)

Der Vortrag befasst sich mit der Frage, wie der Denker und Soziologe Max Weber (1864-1920) in Deutschland und Japan rezipiert wird. Im Mittelpunkt meiner Betrachtung stehen Webers Vortrag „Politik als Beruf“ (1919) und dessen unterschiedlichen Lesarten von Politiker:innen in Deutschland und Japan. So hat Helmut Schmidt oft auf Webers „Verantwortungsethik“ verwiesen. Einige japanische Politiker hingegen...

Vortrag: Gender in Japanese mayoral elections – qualitative content analysis of campaign posters (Stefanie Schwarte, M.A.)


The implementation of the Basic Act for Gender Equality Society in 1999 laid the basis for the creation of policies tackling the issue of gender inequality in Japan. Passed at the national level by the Japanese Diet, it is the responsibility of local governments to implement the Basic Act. This paves the way for local...

Vortrag: 日本の地域社会の見えない壁:沖縄の山原(やんばる)を事例として (Prof. Takashi Namba, Kommentar: Daisuke Nagahama)


日本の沖縄には、『寄留民(きりゅうみん)』ということばがある。寄留民とは、明治維新前からの先祖の土地を離れて住んでいる人のことを言う。日本本土の米軍基地の土地(軍用地)が、ドイツと同じように、ほとんど国有地(87%)であるのに対して、沖縄の軍用地は40%が私有地、37%が県・市町村有地、国有地は23%しかない。沖縄本島北部の山の軍用地は、多くが共有地で、コミュニティ(本土では町内会・自治会、沖縄ではシマ)が管理・運営している。これらのシマでは、多いところでは年間2億円以上の収入(借地料や補助金)がある。収入を活用して、シマが自治体(市町村)と同じような規定と組織を持ち、絶大な権力を持つ。ただ、多額の収入のために、シマのメンバーシップが厳格に決められている。戦後シマに引っ越してきた人は、シマの仲間に入れない。寄留民には資格が無いのだ。まさに、コミュニティの中に見えない壁が存在する。この発表では、日本に古くからあるムラ制度について説明したうえで、現代沖縄のコミュニティを事例に、日本の地域社会の中にある見えない壁について議論する。 難波孝志(Takashi Namba)の紹介 難波孝志は、現在、大阪経済大学 情報社会学部の教授である。大学院 経営情報研究科の研究科長を務めている。専門は、都市・地域社会学である。都市社会や農村社会のコミュニティ問題について、国家や自治体と地域社会の関係、コミュニティ内部の人間関係に焦点を当てて、研究を行ってきた。主な著書として、難波孝志(編), 2020, 『米軍基地と沖縄地域社会』, シリーズ 沖縄の地域自治組織1<北中部編>, ナカニシヤ出版, Takashi Namba, 2020, ‘Comparative Study on the Consensus - Building Process of the Conversion of Closed Military Bases in Germany and Japan’, (Carmen Schmidt and Ralf Kleinfeld (Ed.), “The Crisis of Democracy?: Chances, Risks and Challenges in Japan (Asia) and Germany (Europe)”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing),...