This fall, we were able to host a total of seven guest lectures in the “Japan and International Migration: Recent Developments, Emerging Dynamics” series at LMU Munich. The series is linked to two of the Institute’s research projects on Labor Market in Japan and Labor Migration of Health-Caregivers to Japan. Both projects and the series are coordinated by Professor Gabriele Vogt.
The lectures addressed the contradictory attitudes shown by politics, business, and society towards international labor, students, and travelers arriving in Japan. Most naturally, the fall series paid special attention to the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have on migrants’ lives in Japan and discussed what the de facto travel-ban meant for Japan’s position in the global web of migration flows.
A big thank-you and shout-out to Hilary J. Holbrow, Polina Ivanova, Yoshiaki Kubo, Isamu Okada, Yuko Ohara-Hirano, Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes, Nana Oishi, Reiko Ogawa, and Erin Aeran Chung – the wonderful presenters of season 2. We cherish your extraordinary contributions to this series!
For more details about the presenters and their lectures, please refer to our event page.