„There’s no Way in!? How We Study Japanese Democracy from our German University“ is co-authored by Stefanie Schwarte and Anne-Sophie König. The chapter is now available as an open access publication from DemocracyNet a NPO dedicated to connect interdisciplinary research on democracy. The authors confess their struggle of doing your doctoral research amidst a global pandemic and give advice how to mitigate difficulties. The publication contains further confessions of researchers from all walks of life so it is a good read for students venturing into the field of democracy studies.
Schwarte, Stefanie und Anne-Sophie L. König (2022): There’s no Way in!? How We Study Japanese Democracy from our German University. In: Heyne, Lea und Christian Ewert (Hgs.): PhD Confessions: From Democracy Scholars, Students, and Supporters. Nordersted: BoD – Books on Demand, 73-77. URL: https://democracynet.eu/wp-content/uploads/HeyneEwert-2022-PhD-Confessions.pdf.