From 12-15 October, Yosuke Buchmeier participated in an international roundtable on media and journalism at the 2023 Union for Democratic Communications (UDC 2023) conference held at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. This panel brought together key contributors for a wide-ranging dialogue about news neglect, censorship and agenda-cutting around the globe, particularly including perspectives from the US, Germany, and Japan.
For more information about agenda-cutting see Buchmeier’s latest publications:
(2022) “Protecting the people, or the Olympics? Agenda-cutting of the COVID-19 risk in the news coverage of Japan’s public broadcaster” in: Media, Culture & Society 44 (6), 1132-1148, (open access).
(2023) “Schweigekultur, Tabus und der öffentliche Diskurs: Agenda Cutting in Japan” in: Hektor Haarkötter and Jörg-Uwe Nieland (eds.): Agenda Cutting. Wenn Themen von der Tagesordnung verschwinden, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 353-383, (access via LMU university library, in German)
Here you find an interview with Yosuke Buchmeier for Deutschlandfunk/ARD (in German):
“Immer alles super: Wie der öffentliche Rundfunk Japans Olympia 2020 coverte“ (25 July 2022),