The Japan Center cordially invites you to the following special lectures on Japanese politics and accompanying events with guest scholars from Japan and Germany. Further information can be found through the links to the respective event below.
The events are open to the public and on-site. We kindly ask you to register here.
Organizing team: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt, Anne-Sophie L. König, Antonia Vesting
18 to 20 December 2023
We would be delighted to welcome you to the events.
December 18, 2023 (MON), 12:00 – 13:30 s.t.
Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte, Universität Duisburg-Essen und Prof. Koichi Nakano, Ph.D., Sophia Universität, Tokyo
Podiumsgespräch: Regieren in der Dauerkrise – Deutsche und japanische Perspektiven
Location: Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, Amalienstraße 83a, 80799 München
*Please note that this lecture is held in German and Japanese with consecutive interpreting.
December 19, 2023 (TUE), 12:00 – 13:30 s.t.
Prof. Mari Miura, Ph.D., Sophia University, Tokyo and Prof. Dr. Laura Seelkopf, LMU Munich
Panel Discussion: Women in Politics and Academia – Perspectives from Germany and Japan
Location: Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, Amalienstraße 83a, 80799 München
December 19, 2023 (TUE), 17:00 – 19:00 s.t.
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt, Prof. Dr. Takahiro Kondo, Dr. Anna Wiemann and Dr. Yumiko Murata
Poster Presentation: Remembering the War
Location: Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, Amalienstraße 83a, 80799 München
December 20, 2023 (WED), 16:00 – 18:00 c.t.
Prof. Mari Miura, Ph.D., Sophia University, Tokyo
Special Double Lecture: Toward Gender Parity in Japan – Political Barriers, Women’s Activism and Cultural Shift
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich, Lecture Hall M 105
December 20, 2023 (WED), 18:00 – 20:00 c.t.
Prof. Koichi Nakano, Ph.D., Sophia University, Tokyo
Special Double Lecture: All Quiet on the Eastern Front – Why is Japan’s Democratic Backsliding Invisible to the West?
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich, Lecture Hall M 105
For all events, registration is required: